Supernatural Powers Wiki

Bringing down a brick and concrete building

Terrakinesis, also known as geokinesis, is the ability to manipulate elements derived from the earth. This ability is a variation of Elementalism.


  • Calcium manipulation: Calcium is an earthen element, allowing a terrakinetic to manipulate it.
  • Carbokinesis: Carbon is an earthen element, allowing a terrakinetic to manipulate it.
  • Crystallokinesis: Terrakinetics can manipulate crystals, since they are earthen materials.
  • Earthquake generation: By manipulating tectonic plates or large portions of the Earth's crust, users may be able to cause earthquakes or seismic tremors.
  • Eleokinesis: Oil is an earthen element, giving terrakinetics control over it.
  • Ferrokinesis: Naturally-occurring metals are capable of being manipulated by terrakinetics.
  • Geo-thermokinesis: Some users may be able to manipulate volcanoes, lava, and magma.
  • Halokinesis: Salt can be manipulated by some terrakinetics.
  • Hyalokinesis: Some users may be able to manipulate glass.
  • Koniokinesis: Since dust can be an earthen material, many users can manipulate dust.
  • Lutumkinesis: Clay can be manipulated by terrakinetics.
  • Psammokinesis: Sand can be manipulated by terrakinetics.
  • Terrakinetic constructsUsers may be able to shape earthen materials, creating various objects out of matter such as dirt, clay, glass, minerals, etc.


  • May be incapable of generating earthen materials and be strictly limited to manipulating already-existing sources.
  • Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend on the knowledge, skill, and strength of the individual user and their own ability's natural limits.
  • May be required to be/stay in contact with the earth to manipulate it.
  • Glass and other artificial solids may be difficult or impossible to control.
  • May not be able to manipulate extra-terrestrial earthen elements if Earth is one's home planet.
  • Earthen materials are naturally weak against certain other elements, including water, ice, and air.
