Superhuman condition is the ability to possess physical and mental abilities which are beyond those of the average member of one's species.
- Contaminant immunity
- Regenerative healing factor
- Superhuman agility
- Superhuman attractiveness
- Superhuman balance
- Superhuman charisma
- Superhuman dexterity
- Superhuman durability
- Superhuman endurance
- Superhuman flexibility
- Superhuman intelligence
- Superhuman intuition
- Superhuman leaping
- Superhuman longevity
- Superhuman lung capacity
- Superhuman marksmanship
- Superhuman memory
- Superhuman reflexes
- Superhuman senses
- Superhuman gustatory sense
- Superhuman hearing
- Superhuman olfaction
- Superhuman tactile sense
- Superhuman vision
- Superhuman speed
- Superhuman stamina
- Superhuman strength
- Superhuman thought processing
- Users are prone to developing superiority complexes due to being enhanced physical specimens.
- May include increased nutrition requirements.