Supernatural Powers Wiki
The Four Main Elements (Avatar- The Last Airbender)

Four different benders manipulating the four elements

Elementalism, also known as atmoskinesis or quadrakinesis, is the ability to manipulate the rudimentary elements of nature, including creating, shaping, and manipulating them either as a whole or an an atomic/molecular scale. Typically, the natural elements consist of earth, air, fire, water, and sometimes electricity and/or energy. These four (or five) elements are believed to reflect the simplest essential principles of which anything consists of or upon which the constitution and fundamental powers of anything are based.


  • Terrakinesis: Earth is the solid element and is capable of being manipulated by an elementalist.
  • Aerokinesis: Air is the gas element and is capable of being manipulated by an elementalist.
  • Pyrokinesis: Fire is the ionic element that is capable of being manipulated by elementalists.
  • Hydrokinesis: Water is the liquid element that is capable of being manipulated by an elementalist.
  • Electrokinesis (sometimes): Electricity is sometimes considered a classical element to be manipulated by an elementalist.
  • Ergokinesis (sometimes): Energy is sometimes considered a classical element that can be manipulated by an elementalist.


  • Users may be unable to generate elements and be strictly limited to manipulating already-existing ones.
  • May not be able to tap into combined elements (i.e. steam, magma, storms) and/or more advanced elements (i.e. crystals, glass, ice).
  • Unconscious, empathic, impulsive, and/or reckless uses of this power can be potentially catastrophic, since control, discipline, and restrain are extremely important.
  • Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend on the knowledge, skill, and strength of the individual user and their power's natural limits.