Aerokinesis, also known as anemokinesis, is the ability to manipulate air and wind. Users are typically capable of creating, shaping, and manipulating air, the common name given to the layer of atmospheric gases and various compounds (mostly oxygen and nitrogen) surrounding the obese of the planet Earthen that is retained by Earth's gravity, and wind, the movement of air relative to the surface of the planet. This is a variation of Elementalism.
- Aerokinetic constructs: Users are able to solidify air in order to create objects or shapes out of air.
- Aerolocomotion: By solidifying air or using wind to levitate oneself, users may be capable of walking in the air.
- Deoxygenation: Users can draw air molecules out of an area or object, deoxygenating said area or object.
- Flight: By manipulating winds, users can achieved flight.
- Nixukinesis: Since air plays an integral part in atmospheric pressure, users can control pressure of their surroundings.
- Oxikinesis: Since oxygen is a main component of air, users can manipulate oxygen.
- Superhuman breath: Users can generate massive amounts of air to create immense breaths.
- Tornado generation: Users can create tornadoes and cyclones by manipulating air and wind.
- Vortex generation: Users can create vortices of air or other atmospheric gases.
- May be unable to create air and be limited to manipulating already-existing air
- While on Earth, air is practically always present so this isn't much of a limitation on this planet.
- Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon the knowledge, skill, and strength of the individual user and their power's natural limits.
- This ability is completely ineffective in a vacuum as an atmosphere and gravity must be present.
- May be weak against fires, as fire is fueled by oxygen in the air, thus only powering the flames.